Tuesday, 17 February 2015

I have done a few new paintings. 

A doggie-fish for my lovely friend Charlie.

A giraffe love story base on this http://www.goodtoknow.co.uk/fun-win/galleries/34365/animals-in-love/8

And a painting heavily influenced by the work of the Amazing Simon Stalenhag http://www.simonstalenhag.se/ (just trying to learn how he paints!)

Monday, 10 November 2014

My final environments I painted during my mentorship class.

Some Studies

Fruit ... in case you were wondering

A doodle 

An exercise from my mentorship class.

Trying to improve my visual library

These are from photos

Just studying some awesome artworks on artstation by various artists.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Plein Air From Imagination (mostly)

This took a lot more faffing than I had first first hope with lots of leaf compositions and all sorts.  

Friday, 29 August 2014

Some Product Drawings (Draw Through!)

I am bouncing around a few different things until my mentorship (see bellow post). One of things I have been bouncing to is Matt Kohr's wonderful Observation to Imagination training.

I really recommend it and it will take some serious time to go through everything. This is part one of many many many.

Anything labled "L" was from life ie, a physical object in front of me and anything labled "P" was from a photoref although those were generally drawn with at a different angle than in the photo. 

Took bloodey ages!

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Awesome news!

Over October I am going to Mentored by the amazing Kalen Chock and Anthony Jones in their Environment Design classes!

Cant wait!! its going to be awesome! :D

I will blog my way through the experience and let everyone know how it goes!

Glen Keane Love

Spent a day studying Glen Keane. Cheers me up when times are down. Such an amazing guy. Check out his latest work, a short animation (soon to be an interactive animation!) called Duet. Its really beautiful.

My studies:

Random Art Dump 7

Assortment of Studies after the Masters such as Frazetta, Vilppu, etc

Random Art Dump 6

Virtual En Plein Air work (environments from photoref or random google street views) There is also my work from Saddy Safadi's incredible free tutorial series found here: Shaddy Playlist

Random Art Dump 5

Studies after the late great Norman J Schureman

Random Art Dump 4

Some pages of me working through Jack Ham's superb book on Drawing Scenery